IT-Strategy Analysis
Simply Informed Decisions
We provide the insights you need for straightforward decision-making.
StART – Software Strategy Analysis & Reporting Tool
- Identification of modernization strategy
- Short project duration: 4-6 months
- Automated analysis and evaluation
RaCE – Rapid Cloud-readiness Estimation
- Identification of legacy application “cloud potential”
- Minimal project duration: approx. 2 weeks
- Automated analysis based on StART
SKYe – Software Knowledge Yield environment
- Gathering information/knowledge from various sources (code, database, documentation)
- Restructuring and re-referencing of information
- Providing navigable, structured documentation
Simple, XXX, Modernisation
Proposals for modernization strategies for each individual program, transparent and comprehensible.
STorM – Source Transformation and Migration
- Various language conversions available
- Assembler Migration Tool ➞ AsTra
- RPG Migration Tool ➞ RATE
DAM – Data Analysis and Migration
- Migration from file-based to database-based data
- Format conversions
- Migration from one database system to another
MAST – Modernisation of Architecture, Source and Technology
- Engineering projects conducted by B+B
- Restructuring of COBOL applications to future-proof them
- Integration of new technologies into COBOL systems
Engineering Support
Simply Sensible Outsourcing
Delegate your programming tasks to our attentive and reliable colleagues.
TEaM – Tailored Engineering and Modernisation
- COBOL Support/Maintenance
- Application Outsourcing
- We are the TEaM for your applications
CREW – Competence Rescaling by Expert Workforce
- Benefit from our technical experts
- On-site services provided by our experts
- Rent/lease our CREW for your project